Amos blames the wealthy for the collapse of the nation of Israel. The people of his time were living luxuriously and were not caring about "Joseph",a patriarch like Jacob and Judah , their names are used to specify Gods people.
Responsorial Psalm 146
God needs our hands to feed the hungry,clothe the naked give water to the thirsty and care for the dying.
2nd Reading 1 Timothy 6;11-16
Timothy is reminded of Paul's profession of faith at his baptism. Our professions of faith are renewed every year at Easter and we do it every Sunday as well. Make it significant!
Gospel Luke 16:19-31
Luke tells us a message almost identical to Amos in the first reading. it is a "woe" to the wealthy that they better not say they did not know about poverty in their neighborhood. Read your Bible prayerfully and walk your path of life by the message it has for us.
The readings today warn us about loving splendor and not being concerned about the poor. We have Moses and the prophets,The Bible, apply its message to our daily lives.
God Bless You