Saturday, September 24, 2016

September 25th 2016 - 26th Sunday in ordinary time

Image result for catholic memes lack of compassion
1st Reading Amos 6:1, 4-7

Amos blames the wealthy for the collapse of the nation of Israel. The people of his time were living luxuriously and were not caring about "Joseph",a patriarch like Jacob and Judah , their names are used to specify Gods people.

Responsorial Psalm 146

God needs our hands to feed the hungry,clothe the naked give water to the thirsty and care for the dying.

2nd Reading 1 Timothy 6;11-16
Timothy is reminded of Paul's profession of faith at his baptism. Our professions of faith are renewed every year at Easter and we do it every Sunday as well. Make it significant!

Gospel Luke 16:19-31

Luke tells us a message almost identical to Amos in the first reading. it is a "woe" to the wealthy that they better not say they did not know  about poverty in their neighborhood. Read your Bible prayerfully and walk your path of life by the message it has for us.

The readings today warn us about loving splendor and not being concerned about the poor. We have Moses and the prophets,The Bible, apply its message to our daily lives.

God Bless You

Monday, September 19, 2016

The gift of friendships

 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. (1 Samuel 18:3, NASB

Close friendships immerse us in what Saint Benedict called "a school of service for the Lord." In friendships we have an ideal environment in which to grow the godlike qualities of love and loyalty, perseverance, and courage. The famous friendship of Jonathan and David in the Scriptures offers a particularly poignant example of the way friends can sharpen one another. Jonathan and David ought to have been rivals. Both of these men were seen as potential heirs to the throne of Jonathan's father, King Saul.

Yet, these two men had a deep friendship based on a promise they had made to one another (see today's Dig Deeper). Jonathan made his friendship covenant with David even though it would cost him the favor of his father King Saul and the throne itself. David in turn committed to Jonathan by promising to show unending kindness to Jonathan and his family. David had a true friend in Jonathan—and Jonathan in David—because they willingly made sacrificial commitments to each other.

We know who our true friends are by recalling those who didn't abandon us when we went through difficult circumstances. A real friend, like Christ, stands shoulder to shoulder with us in times of trouble and hardship to make our burden lighter by carrying it with us.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

25th Sunday In Ordinary Time - September 18th, 2016

When we are successful in our daily dealings some may claim that success for themselves. Not acknowledging that we are Gods partner, and with God, accountable, to  make the world a better place. There is no absolute ownership. The Bible reminds us of that. We are partners with God. without him, we are nothing.

In the first reading, Am 8:4-7, we read of a well known prophet,Amos of Tekoa (750 B.C.) He is better known as the prophet that champions social justice. He lives in the southern kingdom of Israel and goes to the northern kingdom to the sanctuary of Bethel to deliver God's message. Amos, a stranger stands to deliver it. His message that day was to admonish those who were persecuting the just and cheating them.

We should all be concerned for the rights of the poor. "He raises up the lowly from the dust."
(Responsorial Psalm)

The 2nd reading,1 Tim 2:1-8, Christ is our mediator, We pray in Jesus' name for everyone, even our politicians and people of authority, who make us so angry at times, for all human beings may be saved.

The Gospel reading, Lk 16: 1-13, "The Wily Manager". The word Wily can be replaced by shrewd, clever, sharp,astute, canny or smart. Jesus praises the stewards decisiveness in a crises. Even though he was dishonest, he regained the trust of his master.

If we sever the management of our possessions from our faith, we will be living a double standard. "You can not serve both God and Mammon". If  we serve and follow God in all things, only then can He trust us.

God Bless You!
Randy Rarden